Document Scanning in Liverpool and Wirral

Document Scanning Services

Man Scanning Documents in Liverpool

Most modern companies have moved on from the days of filing cabinets stacked full of paper records. Not only does it cost money to store all this information, but it is also unsafe, hard to organise and takes up valuable space.

Trust Secure Storage Services to guide you into the world of digital archiving. Are you looking to outsource all your scanning and retrieval requirements in Liverpool or the Wirral? Or implement hard-copy storage and scan-on-demand service? Secure Storage Services has the expertise to provide a cost-effective solution to your digital archiving needs.

Using the latest Canon scanner technology, coupled with comprehensive quality checks, you can be sure that Secure Storage Services provides a secure and reliable document scanning service for your digital conversion needs. From bulk document scanning to simple organisation of files, our team of experts can make life easier for you – call 0151 293 4000 to learn more.


A Professional Document Scanning Company

Employing a professional document scanning company such as Secure Storage Services will ensure all your paperwork is secure in transit and successfully converted to digital files.

We can scan documents in bulk on our industrial-scale scanners and take all the work from your in-house team. We scan business documents quickly, efficiently and safely.

  1. Time Efficiency: Our document scanning company specialises in the digitisation of documents. We have the expertise, equipment, and personnel to efficiently scan large volumes of documents quickly. This can save you a significant amount of time compared to scanning documents in-house.
  2. Cost Savings: Outsourcing document scanning can be cost-effective. You don't need to invest in expensive scanning equipment or hire and train staff for this task. Additionally, you can reduce storage costs for physical documents, as digitised files take up less physical space.
  3. Improved Organisation: We provide document indexing and categorisation services. This means your digitised documents can be organised and labelled systematically, making it easier to search and retrieve specific files when needed.
  4. Enhanced Security: We have strict security protocols in place to protect sensitive information. We ensure that your documents are scanned and stored securely, reducing the risk of unauthorised access or loss.
  5. Access Anywhere, Anytime: Digitised documents can be accessed remotely, which is especially useful for businesses with multiple locations or for individuals who need access to their documents while on the go. This accessibility can improve collaboration and workflow efficiency.
  6. Disaster Recovery: Digital documents are less susceptible to physical damage from disasters such as fires, floods, or theft. Scanning companies such as Secure Storage Services offer backup and disaster recovery services to ensure your documents are safe and recoverable.
  7. Compliance and Legal Requirements: Certain industries and organisations are subject to regulatory compliance requirements related to document retention and management. Our professional scanning company can help ensure that you meet these requirements by providing accurate and well-maintained digital records.
  8. Preservation of Historical Documents: For organisations or institutions with historical or archival documents, we can help preserve these valuable materials by creating digital copies that can be easily accessed and shared without risking damage to the originals.
  9. Space Optimisation: Converting physical documents into digital files can free up office space that was previously used for storage. This space can be repurposed for more productive uses.
  10. Environmental Benefits: Digital documents reduce the need for paper, which can contribute to environmental sustainability efforts by saving trees and reducing the carbon footprint associated with paper production and transportation.


Benefits of Document Scanning Services

There are many benefits to outsourcing your document scanning. You will save space in your office; all your data will be backed up and protected from fire, water, loss or general deterioration. Although these may seem like extreme circumstances, a recent report indicated that companies that suffered a total loss of their documentation due to fire, etc, went out of business within 12 months. Document scanning and archival enable you to have multiple copies of your documents on and off-site.

There is an increasing demand for documents and other important information to be stored digitally, as well as physically. By using a professional document scanning company such as ours, you can be sure that your documents are kept in safe hands.

Scanning documents yourself can also be extremely time-consuming, which is why it is so beneficial to find high-quality document scanning companies such as our service at Secure Storage.

Save Time and Money

Here at Secure Storage, our bulk document scanning service efficiently converts large volumes of paper documents into digital formats.

Digital documents can be accessed quickly through a database, reducing the time employees spend manually searching through paper files. This rapid retrieval of information enhances overall productivity, allowing employees to focus on more critical tasks.

The reduction in physical storage space frees up valuable office real estate, potentially lowering costs associated with maintaining large storage areas? 

Disaster Recovery

Bulk document scanning will also help your disaster recovery capabilities. Digital documents can be securely backed up and stored in multiple locations, ensuring data is not lost due to physical disasters like fires or floods at your premises.

Large Format Scanning

Large-format scanning is a specialised service that focuses on converting oversized documents such as blueprints, maps, engineering drawings, and other large-scale papers into digital formats. This service is essential for industries that rely heavily on detailed and expansive documents, such as architecture, engineering, construction, and cartography.

By digitising these large documents, businesses can preserve vital information, improve accessibility, and enhance the ability to share and collaborate on projects. We can save your documents in a variety of digital formats so they can be further edited digitally on appropriate software.

Get in touch to learn about our document scanning Liverpool services today.

Document scanning to digital copies


Common Industries We Work With

Certain industries require more documentation than others, which is why we frequently work with specific industries to ensure their document scanning is kept up to date and to high standards.

Common industries that use our document scanning services include:

If you are an educational institution, financial or legal firm searching for document scanning in Liverpool and beyond, we can help at Secure Storage.


Why Invest In Digital Document Storage?

Secure Storage Services offers an affordable document digitalisation service as part of our core document scanning services. We use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.

This allows us to pull data from paper documents without human involvement. Your documents will then be indexed according to pre-agreed rules, allowing for speedy and accurate retrieval of electronic documents.

We can also provide large-format scanning for larger documents such as photos or building layouts. Come and see us at our state-of-the-art storage facility to find out why we are the right document scanning company for you.


What Is Scan On Demand?

Scan on demand is a 'pay as you go' service. Initially, we scan all your paper documents at our custom facility. If you request access to these documents, we will convert the documents you request 'on demand'. The documents you require are typically converted into digital versions.

Scan on demand allows you to access all the benefits of 'going paperless' without the associated cost. All your documents are stored off-site, but you can still access documents in a digital format as and when documents must be viewed, making things much simpler for you.

Choosing to outsource document scanning in Liverpool means that you no longer need to deal with the time-consuming element of document scanning yourself, so you can focus on admin or business elsewhere. 


What Is Bulk Scanning?

Another document scanning service we offer is bulk scanning. Is your business or organisation planning to move to a paperless system but wondering how you could scan a large volume of documents that you have built up over the past few years? Our Bulk Scanning Services could be the perfect document scanning solution for you to invest in.

Our bulk scanning services involve scanning all of your paper documents at once. This task is more expensive upfront than scan on demand, but it will speed up the retrieval process and be a worthwhile investment, particularly when documents must be retrieved in real-time.

One advantage of bulk scanning is that you can destroy the physical paper documents once they are all scanned into our system, eliminating the costs associated with paper document storage and freeing up space.

Our bulk document scanning services involve the collection of paper documents from your business, and your documents will then be transferred to our document scanning facility. A team of workers will then scan your documents into a digital format via bulk scanning.

Whether you are trying to protect scanned images or necessary invoices, our highly secured facility will keep everything as safe and secure as possible until you are ready to collect your documents. To invest in bulk scanning, you can call one of our specialists to gauge the size of the project and see what your best document scanning options are.

We can also do an on-site visit to establish the size and scope of the work needed to be carried out which can take up to an hour. Phone up today on 0151 293 4000 to enquire.

Bulk scanning at Secure Storage


What Is Day Forward Scanning?

Day forward scanning is when you select a 'launch date' for document scanning. Documents created before this date will not be subject to document scanning, whilst documents created after this date will.

This approach will save you money compared to bulk scanning explained above. This also allows you to better keep on top of document management going forward.

Following your launch date, Secure Storage Services will endeavour to collect your paper documents from your business regularly.


Scanning Medical Records

In a medical setting, retrieval of documents could be the difference between life and death. That's why we offer a specialist document scanning service for our medical clients in the North West. These clients typically include hospitals, GP practices, dentists, and pharmacists.

Many of our medical clients require medical records to be digitalized and scanned, allowing for speedy retrieval and increased security. Digitalising medical records enables multiple professionals to access comprehensive records in seconds rather than days, and provides you with more space in the office.

For many years, Secure Storage Services has become the number one provider for the storage, archiving, indexing and scanning of medical records for hospitals, GP practices, dentists, and pharmacists. The service we offer is affordable, secure and highly dependable.


Scanning Legal Documents

Another important aspect of our work is legal document scanning. Law firms in England and Wales must store documents for many years due to legal requirements in this area. At Secure Storage Services, we assist law firms in this area.

We help law firms in Liverpool and the Wirral to store legal documents according to laws and regulations governing their industry. We also understand that client confidentiality and security are also incredibly important.


What Is Onsite Scanning?

Onsite document scanning is typically appropriate when you require the digitalisation of highly sensitive information. You may not be willing to allow these documents to be stored off-site for these reasons.

If so, we can accommodate your needs. Before onsite scanning begins, our skilled project managers will work closely with you to ensure documents are scanned quickly, cost-effectively and securely.

Whilst onsite scanning is not as affordable as off-site scanning; you arguably do receive a better level of service. This is mainly because you will be physically present whilst your documents are scanned.

When we carry out onsite document scanning, we bring our state-of-the-art scanning equipment. This equipment can scan over 200 pages per minute, and all of our team members are subject to an enhanced DBS check to ensure the information scanned is kept safe and confidential. Whether you require bulk scanning services, scan on demand or want to improve your business's document management, we can help today.


Archive Scanning Services

Our specialist team also provides archive scanning services to businesses across the UK. By using this service, you will securely keep your documents off-site and request the information when you require it.

This ties in nicely with our Scan on Demand service – all documents are scanned and returned within just a few hours. This improves data protection, saves you time and office space and reduces overall costs for your business.


Post Scan Storage & Destruction

Our comprehensive archive storage and secure destruction services can ensure the correct procedures are in place following the digital conversion of your documents. Whether you require document shredding, wish to store documents safely in our facility, or want to receive hard copies back, we can accommodate your needs.


Choose to go Paperless This Year with our Bespoke Document Scanning Service

Is your office overrun with files and microfilm? Does it take staff hours or even days to find old documents? Are you concerned about your lack of compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998? 

If you answered YES to just one of the above questions, then it could well be time to upgrade your paper-based document storage system to its more organised and more compliant digital counterpart which will make your business more efficient and even more profitable.

By document scanning, we will take an image of all your important records and keep them indexed and archived conveniently for easy retrieval.

Here at Secure Storage Solutions Ltd, we’ve invested in state-of-the-art OCR and ICR-based technologies that could see your documents scanned into a digital archive in days rather than weeks.

We utilise modern double-sided or ‘duplex’ scanners and also single-sided or ‘simplex’ scanners to ensure your documents are converted into an electrical format both efficiently and accurately. This means 100% of your documents will be represented in your digital document index without any data loss.


Read the many Benefits of our Document Imaging Service

Some of the benefits of using our document image scanning service include:

  • Improved compliance under Data Protection Act 1998
  • More secure storage
  • Cheaper storage of documentation
  • Improve document life cycle and duration since digital documents do not perish
  • Greater protection against fire since documents can be stored in multiple data centres and it is easy to make backups which can be stored off-site
  • Superior data indexation and retrieval – meaning it takes seconds to find documents rather than hours. Documents can be tagged with keywords to speed up the retrieval process
  • Data is accessible from multiple locations
  • Data is accessible at any time of the day or night
  • Multiple staff members have access to the same document at the same time. Say goodbye to waiting for another staff member to finish a document or file!

Typical documentation which falls under the remit of the service include:

  • Paper documents
  • X rays
  • Large format documents and drawings
  • Health records
  • Legal documents
  • Microfilm
  • Architectural drawings
  • Historical documents
  • Sundries such as checkbooks and ID cards etc.

Secure Storage Services are a well-established company registered in England. If you're interested in a quotation or further information on document scanning services, please call now 0151 293 4000 or fill out our enquiry form.



Further resources


Is document scanning suited to my business?

  Absolutely, yes! We can provide all the necessary arrangements to work through the backlog of documents you have and need scanning into digital format. On competition of document scanning we can arrange the safe storage of the paper counterparts in one of our storage facilities, alternatively we can arrange the secure and confidential shredding for certified destruction of you documents. If requested the originals can be returned to you.

Do you issue a certificate of destruction?

  We do! Once the documents have been destroyed, we issue a notice of destruction certificate, as mandated by GDPR regulations.

Why choose document scanning?

Your business will have its own specific use case for our document scanning service, but here are some benefits to doing so  
- Quick access to digital records

- Streamline business process

- Data backup / recovery plan

- Reduced costs for storage