Document Scanning for Schools, Colleges and Universities

Document scanning services can be an incredibly beneficial and effective way to manage the thousands of private and confidential educational files which need to be stored for schools, colleges and universities.

Having a digital copy of documents makes managing and accessing student information easy to retrieve as well as store. Here at Secure Storage, we offer onsite document scanning services for educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities.

We store and scan thousands of records for educational facilities across the North West of England and are an extremely trustworthy service.

Having digital copies of personal school records which hold private information such as home addresses, medical records and assessments is a great way to stay organised and in control of private information. It is also an effective way to manage older documents which need to be legally held for a number of years after students have left.


Scanning Services

The Data Protection Act (1998) works to protect the personal data of students and staff whose information is stored. Here at Secure Storage, we make sure to comply with any rules and restrictions that are in place so you can be assured that your facility will remain in line with regulation.

There will always be an onsite document scanner in schools and universities which is ideal for on-the-go scanning and general administrative work in the office.

Scanning, digitising and storing documents for thousands of staff and pupils for the number of years required by the Retention Guidelines for Schools (RGS) however is extremely time consuming and difficult to safely manage.

This is where the team at Secure Storage can help. Our facility is secure, and we are experts at what we do. We can mass scan personal files for schools, colleges and universities, and our scanning services are extensive.


Offsite Scanning Benefits

There are several benefits to choosing to scan stored documents for schools, colleges, and universities. Firstly, digital documents take up less physical space than paper files would, which makes digital copies ideal for schools and campuses that typically have little storage space. Electronically scanned documents are also easily sharable and accessible.

Our service at Secure Services enables you to have complete control over important information with little effort. It is easy to track who has access to any private information when files are digital which is especially important in educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities.


Importance of Document Storage in Educational Institutions

The Information and Records Management Society outlines the guidelines for data storage and management of personal school records in schools and educational settings. By following the rules which are set by the society, the regulations of the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act will also be complied with.

It is incredibly important to safeguard any private information and documents of children and young adults in education environments, which is why the scanning services which we provide at Secure Storage are so beneficial.

We take the stressful and time-consuming aspect of scanning confidential documents and provide you with the digital copies which can help you to organise and manage private information easily. We have years of experience managing and scanning documents for schools, colleges and universities which is why we are a popular choice across the North West.


Storage, Scanning and Shredding Documents for Schools

At Secure Storage we offer several options to help you manage private and confidential school records for your facility. We ensure that the entire process is in line with regulation so you can rest assured that your facility keeps the information of your students and staff safe and secure.

It is up to you to decide what services you would like to use, as the safe disposal of documents is often an important regulation to follow several years after the secure storage of files.

We can store large volumes of paper copies, as well as provide scanning services and digital copies of private school records.

We can also shred and safely destroy documents after the set period of storage time required for educational records which is outlined by the RGS. Our digital document scanner is high-quality and provides you with a quick and easy way to organise and access files.


Help During Busy Periods

The summer period can be a stressful time for school and university staff who need to process thousands of new personal files ahead of the academic year, as well as dispose of years-old files which have expired their required storage date.

This is where Secure Storage can step in to help. Our facility can quickly process and scan your documents for you which frees up much needed time for busy school periods. Document scanning services are an often-underrated service which is required in all educational settings – get in touch today on 0151 293 4000 to find out how we can help.


Trustworthy Document Scanning for Schools, Colleges and Universities

The facility where we store, scan and shred confidential documents at Secure Storage is safe and protected, so you can be certain that your documents are secure with us. We have a number of security measures in place which includes fire and burglar alarms across the building, as well as fire and flood protection systems to make our onsite documents as secure as possible.

All our staff have CRB checks prior to starting at our company and we have extensive CCTV systems installed across the building so we can guarantee the security of our documents. We make sure that we uphold our high standards of data protection at Secure Storage so you can be certain that your educational documents are safe with us.


Contact Us Today

If you feel like your school, college or university needs a helping hand to scan private and confidential information, our team at Secure Storage can help. Safeguarding of personal records and documents is our highest priority, which is why our document scanning services and digitising information is so beneficial to your facility. Call us on 0151 293 4000 or fill in an enquiry form to find out more about our available services.